Welcome to Prolove.com!

We help people in the abortion industry leave their jobs
and rediscover the peace and joy they’ve been missing.

We connect resources and identify blind spots in the pro-life movement, building unity to provide comprehensive strategies that promote the value of all life, regardless of the stage of development, race, age, gender, or ability.

Re (discovering) the key to

true joy and real freedom

Promoting New Ideas

To Solve Old Problems

We help people in the abortion industry leave their jobs
and rediscover the peace and joy they’ve been missing.

Re (discovering) the key to

true joy and real freedom

We connect resources and identify blind spots in the pro-life movement, building unity to provide comprehensive strategies that promote the value of all life, regardless of the stage of development, race, age, gender, or ability.

Promoting New Ideas

To Solve Old Problems

Sister Organizations founded by Abby Johnson

Sister Organizations founded by Abby Johnson